Trans-Siberian Railway tickets

Buy train tickets across Russia. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.
Design your own Trans-Siberian journey

Traveling by the Trans-Siberian Railroad, you will get acquainted with true Russia. The Big Trans-Sib is a railway through the whole continent, which connects European Russia with Siberia and Russian Far East. The Trans-Manchurian and Trans-Mongolian railway extends your itinerary adding exotic sights of Mongolia and China to your journey. During this travel, you will enjoy the beauty of the Urals, Siberia, and Baikal region nature and get impressed by the attractions of Mongolia and China. On our website, you can find everything you need for planning your trip and booking the train tickets. You can see the itineraries, check schedules and prices, find information about the trains or simply request the assistance of our experts. We are always happy to help you arrange your trip of a lifetime.

Baikal-Amur Mainline
Russian domestic transsib train schedules

The only direct train that covers the Transsib from Moscow to Vladivostok is "Rossiya" #001/002. Also, many other regular trains operate on the shorter part of the Trans-Siberian route. Electronic tickets are available for all these trains running within Russia, which means that you can receive your tickets online. On our website, you can check the available trains on the selected route and date.

Route Fastest trip Number of trains Price from
Moscow - Vladivostok 144h 22m 3 trains 233.75 $ See more details
Moscow - Irkutsk 74h 58m 5 trains 157.87 $ See more details
Moscow - Ulan-Ude 82h 11m 4 trains 179.62 $ See more details
Trans-Mongolian and Russia-China trains

Although the main Trans-Siberian line runs from Moscow to Vladivostok, most tourists head for China on one of two branches, the Trans-Mongolian or the Trans-Manchurian route. There are two direct trains each week connecting Moscow and Beijing, train 3/4 via Mongolia using Chinese coaches and train 19/20 Vostok via Manchuria using Russian coaches. Also, there is a Mongolian train #5/6 running between Moscow and Ulan-Baator. You can either book a direct journey by one of these trains or arrange a trip with stopovers connecting several trains.

Mongolian train #5 / #6
This Mongolian train runs between Moscow and Ulan-Bator once a week. The train includes comfortable cars of the first class (double compartments) and second-class (quadruple compartments), and a restaurant car. E-tickets are available for departures from Russia.
#305/306 Irkutsk - Ulan-Bator
Runs 3 times a week. Consists of new Mongolian cars or old Russian cars. Most cars are second-class, usually (but not always) there are also first-class cars. No restaurant car. E-tickets are available on the direction from Russia to Mongolia, paper tickets - from Mongolia.
#19/20 (former "Vostok")
Former trans-Manchurian express "Vostok", now train #19/20 is combined with the train "Rossiya": once a week cars of the train №20 are attached to the 'Rossiya' on the Russian part of the route, and after Chita the train separates and turns to Manchuria. All the cars and the crew are Russian. There is a restaurant car, all cars are air-conditioned.
Chinese train # 3/4
The Chinese train #3/4 (К3/К4) runs between Moscow and Beijing via Mongolia once a week. The cars and the crew are Chinese. There is no a/c in the second class. The restaurant car is changed in every country (Russian / Mongolian / Chinese).