Boletos de ferrocarril transiberiano

Compre billetes de tren por toda Rusia. Simple, rápido, sin cargos ocultos.
Diseñe su propio viaje Transiberiano

Al viajar por el ferrocarril Transiberiano, conocerá la verdadera Rusia. El gran Trans-Sib es un ferrocarril que atraviesa todo el continente, ya que conecta la Rusia europea con Siberia y el Lejano Oriente ruso. El ferrocarril Transmanchuriano y Transmongoliano extiende su itinerario añadiendo exóticas vistas de Mongolia y China a su viaje. Durante este trayecto, disfrutará de la belleza de la naturaleza de los Urales, Siberia y la región del Baikal y se impresionará con los atractivos de Mongolia y China. En nuestro sitio web, podrá encontrar todo lo que necesita para planificar su viaje y reservar los billetes de tren. Puede ver los itinerarios, consultar los horarios y precios, encontrar información sobre los trenes o simplemente solicitar la asistencia de nuestros expertos. Estamos siempre encantados de ayudarle a organizar el viaje de su vida.

Línea principal Baikal-Amur
Russian domestic transsib train schedules

The only direct train that covers the Transsib from Moscow to Vladivostok is "Rossiya" #001/002. Also, many other regular trains operate on the shorter part of the Trans-Siberian route. Electronic tickets are available for all these trains running within Russia, which means that you can receive your tickets online. On our website, you can check the available trains on the selected route and date.

Ruta El viaje más rápido Número de trenes Precio a partir de
Moscú - Vladivostok 144h 22m 3 trenes 247.82 $ Ver detalles
Moscú - Irkutsk 74h 58m 5 trenes 165.20 $ Ver detalles
Moscú - Ulán Udé 82h 11m 4 trenes 187.90 $ Ver detalles
Trans-Mongolian and Russia-China trains

Although the main Trans-Siberian line runs from Moscow to Vladivostok, most tourists head for China on one of two branches, the Trans-Mongolian or the Trans-Manchurian route. There are two direct trains each week connecting Moscow and Beijing, train 3/4 via Mongolia using Chinese coaches and train 19/20 Vostok via Manchuria using Russian coaches. Also, there is a Mongolian train #5/6 running between Moscow and Ulan-Baator. You can either book a direct journey by one of these trains or arrange a trip with stopovers connecting several trains.

Mongolian train #5 / #6
This Mongolian train runs between Moscow and Ulan-Bator once a week. The train includes comfortable cars of the first class (double compartments) and second-class (quadruple compartments), and a restaurant car. E-tickets are available for departures from Russia.
#305/306 Irkutsk - Ulan-Bator
Runs 3 times a week. Consists of new Mongolian cars or old Russian cars. Most cars are second-class, usually (but not always) there are also first-class cars. No restaurant car. E-tickets are available on the direction from Russia to Mongolia, paper tickets - from Mongolia.
#19/20 (former "Vostok")
Former trans-Manchurian express "Vostok", now train #19/20 is combined with the train "Rossiya": once a week cars of the train №20 are attached to the 'Rossiya' on the Russian part of the route, and after Chita the train separates and turns to Manchuria. All the cars and the crew are Russian. There is a restaurant car, all cars are air-conditioned.
Chinese train # 3/4
The Chinese train #3/4 (К3/К4) runs between Moscow and Beijing via Mongolia once a week. The cars and the crew are Chinese. There is no a/c in the second class. The restaurant car is changed in every country (Russian / Mongolian / Chinese).