Moscow - Rostov Veliky train tickets

Buy train tickets to Rostov Veliky. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Moscow - Rostov Veliky timetable

Departure time Arrival time Travel time Train Price from
00:35 03:41 3h 06m 002Э 20.20 $
07:35 10:13 2h 38m 102Я 17.61 $
10:05 13:36 3h 31m 016М 20.20 $
13:05 16:10 3h 05m 376Я 19.14 $
13:50 16:54 3h 04m 070Ч 20.20 $
19:05 21:43 2h 38m 106Я 17.61 $

Moscow - Rostov Veliky route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 3h 15m
Average journey time 3h 15m
Distance 194 km
Trains overview
First departure 13:05
Last departure 13:05
Trains per day 1
Price from 33.90 $

Moscow - Rostov Veliky train reviews

Train number: 376Я
Travel date: 16 May 2022
Ivan, United States Of America (USA)
Train number: 716Я
Travel date: 11 Mar 2022
The train was clean, comfortable and the staff was very kind! The train was in perfect time
elisabetta jankovic, Italy

How do I get back to Moscow

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