Irkutsk - Krasnojarsk Zugfahrkarten

Kaufen Sie Zugfahrkarten nach Krasnojarsk. Einfach, schnell, ohne versteckte Gebühren.

Details zur Verbindung Irkutsk - Krasnojarsk

Schnellste Verbindung 17h 11m
Durchschnittliche Reisezeit 17h 52m
Distanz 857 km
Züge im Überblick
Erste Abfahrt 00:01
Letzte Abfahrt 15:47
Züge pro Tag 2 - 3
Preis ab 47.95 $


Reisedatum: 06 Aug. 2019
From Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk, the train was delayed for 2 1/2 hours. I had to wait at the train station for my first experience From krasnoyarsk to Novosibirsk, again train delayed for about 1 hour. At least from Novosibirsk to Ekaterinburg, no delay! Unfortunately, when I booked my train tickets, there is a lot of English missing for example, my 2nd class 4berth, there was no way to find out if breakfast was included. From Krasnosyark to Novosibirsk I was not aware that breakfast was included. This I was told by the person on duty. It does not mention in English, only in Russian. The toilets were kept clean, and the sheets were given to us very cleaned.
Nikkie, Australia

Wie komme ich zurück zu Irkutsk

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