Trains from Moscow to St. Petersburg

Buy train tickets to St. Petersburg. Simple, fast, with no hidden fees.

Moscow - St. Petersburg route details

Route overview
Fastest trip 3h 33m
Average journey time 5h 27m
Distance 631 km
Trains overview
First departure 00:20
Last departure 23:55
Trains per day 21 - 23
Price from 41.16 $

Frequently Asked Questions

Ticket fares for Moscow – St. Petersburg train tickets are regulated by a dynamic pricing system. The main principle can be formulated as follows: the higher the demand and the fewer the seats, the higher the ticket price. We recommend booking 2-3 months in advance, in this case, prices for the best trains usually start from 60 USD per passenger in the second class.
The length of the railway between two capitals of Russia is 650 km. This distance can be covered in a quite short time from 10 to 4 hours.
Sleeper trains usually cover this distance during the night, on average it is 8 hours. High-speed seating trains get from Moscow to Saint Petersburg in about 4 hours.
There are more than 30 daily departures from Moscow to Saint Petersburg and many options from the most budget ones to luxury compartments looking more like hotel rooms. Depending on your preferences and timetable, we recommend choosing between bullet day trains Sapsan and branded sleepers such as Red Arrow and Grand Express.
Almost all Sapsan trains depart from the Leningradsky train station in Moscow, which is located in Komsomolskaya square right next to Komsomolskaya metro station. There is a luggage inspection at the entrance to the station, and before the exit to platforms, so we advise to be at the station in advance.

Moscow - St. Petersburg train reviews

Train number: 770А
Travel date: 10 Apr 2024
Delicious food, comfortable seats and service
Meiling, Taiwan, Province of China
Train number: 774А
Travel date: 08 Apr 2024
Si, Armenia
Train number: 002А
Travel date: 25 Mar 2024
C'est vraiment un moment extraordinaire de mes vacances en Russie! Voyager de nuit dans ce train mythique ! Un service impeccable et efficace. Tout était exceptionnel ! Très professionnel ! Merci pour cette expérience !
Jean philippe , France
Train number: 770А
Travel date: 18 Feb 2024
Accurate time schedule, neat and clean seats and amenities
Rajeev Thomas, India
Train number: 760А
Travel date: 31 Jan 2024
Very good service and confort !
Tito , Italy

How do I get back to Moscow

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